Signed in as:
Risa Faith Kaplan
" Aside from being an absolutely wonderful person, you are an amazingly talented artist. It is an honor and privilege to have your art prints grace the walls of my home. From the moment I was introduced to your work I was drawn in, literally, wanting to be transported into your images. I cannot stop staring at the pieces. Each one makes me smile! They truly capture your aesthetic and gentle soul with such a beautiful tone. Timothy, please know I have you to thank for my love and appreciation of photographic imagery!
Your unique Imagelamps create a serene mood in whatever room they are placed. Each one is quite beautiful and adds more ambiance to a space than any other single object could. They are captivating!
After framing one of your prints, I realized that the room would be better with an additional print, and then another, and then another. Of course, the more Imagelamps in a room the more beautiful the room. I plan on creating a Timothy Drury Gallery in my home and am well on my way!
Timothy, I have your work displayed with great love and pride. I treasure every piece!
Your most faithful collector"
Steve Di Stanislao
"What can I say about Timothy and his art creations. Well, simply put it resonates with me. I have so much respect for his broad range of talents and how he integrates his art with his music. It's truly astounding!
His music and art makes me feel joy and gives me inspiration.
I have eight of his pieces in my home including two original triptych collections that Timothy and I had fun putting together. These pieces have brought so much color, feel and joy to my environment. Heck, I even wrote a lyric based on one of his pieces. "A rainbow in the mist a glistening amethyst"..
Barbara Cioffi, @4rentinnewport
"Setting the perfect mood with this beautiful Imagelamp designed by one of the most talented artists and all around great guys I know. Sending much love. Newport awaits for you!"
IMAGELAMPS®, Imagery and Music, Copyright © 2020 Timothy Drury - All Rights Reserved.